
We often encounter disagreements between the building contractor and the client/client representatives. We determine the final cost of your project by reviewing the original contract sum including provisional sums and any authorised changes (client requested variations). Once this is complete then provide you with a detailed summary of the final account.

An on site survey is then required to value the completed and varied work; this will also account for loss and expense claims issued by the contractor. An example of a claim is a loss caused by delay or the issue of delayed instructions.

Final accounts are notoriously long and complex at times. Here at Barker Construction Consultants, we apply a method known as a ‘progressing final account’. This takes shape by agreeing the measures, rates and variations at each interval or regular occurring meeting with the contractor or clients representative. This prevents delays in dealing with prime issues and ensure they are dealt with straightaway, whilst peoples memories are fresh.

We have found this enhances relationships and trust is built up, leading to a collaborative approach and a better result for all concerned.

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